2 juin 2024

No one needs to tell you when your neighbors are away. Little signs such as the car not being moved out of the garage or the mail piling up sends an instant message. And what about the lights? Is the house totally dark or is the porch light on 24 hours a day? If you notice these things, it's likely that burglars notice them even faster.

If you are going on vacation or plan to be away for even a few days, there is a simple trick that says 'we're home.' Timers can keep your home's lights going off and on in the house after dark. They come with modules that you plug into lamps, appliances and electronics, transmitting radio signals over all your existing house wiring. You can set them to control not just lamps, but the television and even outdoor lighting.

Each module has a number. For example, the kitchen light might be #1, the upstairs bathroom is #2 and the porch light is #3 and so forth. You set the alarm clock component for a specific time and then punch random. The timing of the lights varies plus or minus forty minutes each day. The varied times creates the impression that your home is occupied.

If you will be away during the time change for Daylight Savings Time, make sure the timer takes these things into consideration. Smarter burglars monitor these things closely during these two transition weeks. Make sure that outdoor lights will come on at dusk and indoor lights will come on after dark and go out around bedtime.

Before you leave, you'll also want to take the following actions:

Stop the delivery of the paper and the mail.
Arrange to have the exterior tended to, including mowing grass.
Ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on things.
Turn the bell off the phone and leave the machine on for messages. Call regularly to clear messages. A backlog will be obvious to a caller.
Park a car in the driveway and have someone move it at least daily.
Store valuables in a vault or safety deposit box.
Leave shades and curtains in their normal positions.
For safety reasons, unplug irons, toasters and coffeepots.
Turn down the thermostats.
Make sure the alarm system is in good order.
Check all door and window locks, including basement windows and entrances.

Source PropertySource


Decoration and work