High tech in the kitchen

6 septembre 2024

The demand for high-tech appliances to do the work for us has never been greater. Many companies are developing products with high-tech capabilities that make kitchen work a little easier. Check out some of the latest trends!

Smart refrigerators - LG Electronics makes a refrigerator with a built-in computer and barcode scanner that helps keep track of your grocery needs and will even e-mail you when you're out of milk. Viking offers a stainless steel refrigerator that beeps when the door is left open.

Multifunctional ovens - If speed is your need, look for ovens that have broilers that heat up in less than 10 seconds. Other oven options include voice-activated controls and programmable times and temperatures that keep food cold during the day then cook it just in time for dinner.

High-tech microwave - Samsung offers a microwave that comes with touchpad controls and hundreds of downloadable recipes.

Dishwasher sensors - Bosch makes a dishwasher that is so quiet it has a discreet red light that shines on the floor so you'll know when it's running. It also offers one with a sensor that can adapt the wash cycle to the cleaning needs of the dishes. Loading dishes has never been so convenient with KitchenAid's countertop dishwasher which can also double as a sink.
Who knows? You may even enjoy cooking and cleaning up in a kitchen this well equipped.

Source PropertySource


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